VBR (Violet, Bill, & Ruby)

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Thursday 2:00 pm 2:59 pm

Welcome to VBR, the radio show starring Violet Hopkins, Bill Wright, and Ruby Stuckemeyer! We love to focus on daily alternative news and historical events, updates on Triton athletics, and stumping Bill every once in a while. Our show occurs on KICB from 2:00 to 3:00 PM. If you are interested in history or off-the-beat lifestyles, this show is perfect for you. Hope you’ll tune in to us soon! Signing off from VBR.

VBR (Violet, Bill, & Ruby)

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Iowa Central Community College’s TV/Radio Production Program provides hands-on experience and training for a careers in the radio and television industry.

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Phone Number: 515-574-1212

Email: kicb@iowacentral.edu

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